The 38th Annual

Illinois All Academy Ball
Tammy McMiller, President and Chair
United States Military Academy
Patty Cortese, Vice President
United States Naval Academy
Eric A. McMiller I, Treasurer
United States Military Academy
Tammy Nigam, Secretary
United States Military Academy
United States Military Academy
Bill Ratzer
United States Air Force Academy
Coming soon.
United States Naval Academy
Michelle Hinca
United States Coast Guard Academy
Parent Club Board Members
United States Merchant Marine Academy
Parent Club Board Members
What is the Illinois All Academy Ball?
The IAAB (Illinois All Academy Ball) is an annual event held in the Chicago area honoring and connecting cadets, midshipmen, alumni and parents of the five federal services academies: the U.S Military Academy (West Point), the U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis), the U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs), the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (New London) & the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point).
For more than 30 years, the parent clubs of the five U.S. service academies have worked together to create an appreciation event for the young men and women who attend our nation's service academies. This formal event, the IAAB, has been a way for us to celebrate and encourage these future leaders and thank them for their willingness to serve our great nation. It is an opportunity for the cadets and midshipmen to enjoy camaraderie, good food, a memorable speaker, and dancing.
What is the Service Academy Parents Club?
The Joint Services Academies of Illinois Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, made possible by the hard work of volunteers from parent associations of the five service academies. Our parent volunteers work together with sponsors and donors to underwrite and organize this annual event. All monies raised are to support bringing together military cadets/midshipmen and families and help to defray the cost of this celebration of service by our young men and women.
What is the purpose of the Illinois All Academy Ball?
To support Illinois region service academy parent clubs planning and coordination to host this memorable annual event. Each year, one of the academies serve as the chair, and the academy that will take on the reign the following year serves as the vice president. Our mission is to honor the young men and women that have committed themselves to our country. We also solicit and encourage Illinois politicians and businesses to support this marquee event by attending or through sponsorship.
What happens at the event?
Illinois cadets and midshipmen along with their date, family, and friends will enjoy a unique virtual experience.
When/where is the event?
Pinstripes Bowling Alley - 7 Oakbrook Ctr, Oakbrook, IL 60523. Sales have ended for year 2021.
Who can attend?
All cadets, midshipmen, their dates, family members and friends. In addition, elected officials, community leaders, business leaders, and first responders.
How much does it cost to attend the event?
Tickets are $40 per person. Cadets and Midshipmen DO NOT pay. Sales have ended for year 2021.
What is the dress code?
We're going ultra-casual this year, so come ready to represent your respective Academy. Bring flags, noise makers, etc. You know the drill.
Can I volunteer to help?
Yes! We need cadets, midshipmen, and parents to volunteer. If you are volunteering or considering volunteering, thank you! This is an event that requires help from all academy cadet and midshipmen family members (ages 14 and older). Email us at JointServicesIl@gmail.com if you want to help this year.
If you are considering sponsoring the year 2021 event, thank you! This annual event supports young men and women that are dedicated to our country. We appreciate your display of gratitude for their commitment to our country and their sacrifice. Please contact us at JointServicesIl@gmail.com to discuss sponsorship.